34 Peculiar Artworks That Will Bend Your Imagination

34 Peculiar Artworks That Will Bend Your Imagination

These Arte Peculiar images are so odd and weird that they are actually quite wonderful.

My favourite ones are the more illustrative ones with giant heads with cities growing on them.

Pinocchio's Magazine Mash-up

I love the vintage magazine collage feel this one has.

A giant head of pinochio covered in collages from old magazines

The Squidly Fool

I wonder if it's the squid on his head or the music he is listening to that is making him pull that facial expression.

The Bird's Nest

Taking the classic hairstyle to a whole new level.

a portrait of a girl with tiny crows forming a nest in her hair

City in the sky/This Guy

This is one of my favourites. I love the detail of the city walls you see combined with the general look of sadness and apathy on his face.

An illustarion of a giant old man's head floating in the sky with a city built inside

Steampunk Faun

The blend of nature and industry is cool in this one.

a multimedia collage of industrial and natural material making a hybrid human animal

An Ent's Child

A human born from a tree...

a painting that combines high fashion portrait, renaissance painting and nature

Tree Bird

This bird has lived so long in this tree she is slowly becoming part of it.

A painting of a bird that is covered in tree bark

Catcher in the Eye

The blend of eyes (both human and bird) and flowers in this one is really, well, eye-catching.

An illustration of a wide eyed girl covered in birds and flowers

So Sad

They is something so haunting about this one...

Illustration of a sad looking girl holding a red umbrella

Leaf him alone!

I'm really enjoying the combination of the suit and the twig hair do.

A painting of a man wearing a suit with hair made of twigs and leaves


This reminds me of The Smashing Pumpkins song Tonight Tonight - and that is a very big compliment.

Photo collage of a woman holding her head in her hands with a broken moon right next to her

In Vogue

This could be straight out of a Vogue photoshoot!

A photo of a woman wearing a neck ruff and a headdress filled with flowers

Thoughts are REAL

If a painting were to depict the thoughts of someone suffering from anxiety or depression I reckon this would be pretty close

A illustration of a skeletal man with demons coming out of his head as if they are thoughts

Build not Made

This reminds me of Shaun Tan's book, The Red Tree. It's wonderful collage textures feel straight out of a dream.

A painting collage of a mans face where half his face is made of building textures

Mind Blown

This is like a painting of the 🤯 emoji!

apainting of a boy wearing a suit with what looks like machines coming out of his head

Skeleton Rock

Yep, a giant skeleton-rock creature strutting across the desert.

an peculiar piece of art of a giant skeleton-rock creature walking across the desert in the style of Dali


I can imagine this disassembled head being a baddie in the Marvel TV show Loki.

A dali-esque painting of a giant head made of rocks disassembling in mid-air

Like Clockwork

The eyes...they are just...creepy

a weird painting of a man wearing a suit with giant eyes with hair made out of a weird machine

Can you see it?

I really love how textural this is.

a weird, abstract painting of what looks like either death or a demon

Dance Macabre

I wrote a piece of music called Ghoulish Dance which suits this image perfectly.

A macabre painting of a masked girl with a red background


This is when I love peculiar art. It's just odd and that's fine! No need to go any further than that.

Weird collage of a womans face made up of indistinct machine parts

Shadow of Death

Drippy painting of a skull set against a dark textural background


Is it me or is this a dead ringer for Skeletor from He-Man!

Old photograph of a woman with a skull for a face

Bird Man

The blues in this print are awesome!

profile portrait of a man wearing a bird-like headset


I think she forgot to take the thorns off of that rose!

A painting of a woman wearing all black and a head dress with a rose in it with blood dripping down her face

She-house Tree-house

This piece is just fantastic, that tree-house seems very inviting.

A painting of a girl who has a tree for hair with a tree-house in it

Ring Wraith

The textures of this painting are the real star. Yes, it looks like a ring-wraith from LOTR but look at those brush strokes.

A painting of a skeleton wearing some ceremonial outfit

What's up Croc?

This is actually really cool. Again the colour scheme is bang on.

painting of a person wearing a blue suit with a crocodiles head

Crow's Feet

I feel like I could almost touch this piece it's so tactile.

mixed media painting of a dead crow

Gone Fishin'

She looks fine with the fact that she has a huge fish for a bracelet.

odd painting of a girl wearing a big fish for a bracelet

In Yo Face

This could be an album cover...

Painting of a woman who has vivid red roses for a face

Green Man


Another masked ball gone wrong by the looks of things.


This is the face I pulled when I saw this!

And there you have my selection of 34 weird pieces of art.

I hope you find some inspiration here ☺️